MPSC All Exams Syllabus

MPSC Civil Services Gazetted and Non Gazetted Exam Syllabus

  • Introduction to MPSC Civil Services Exam The Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC) conduct the Civil Services Gazetted and Non Gazetted Prelim and Mains Exam to select candidates for various government roles. Knowing the exam syllabus is essential for effective preparation of Exam, as it details the topics and subjects you need to study.
  • Key Components of the Exam Syllabus The syllabus for the MPSC Civil Services Gazetted and Non Gazetted Prelim and Mains Exam covers a broad spectrum of subjects. Candidates should become familiar with areas such as General Studies, Current Affairs, History, Geography, and Indian Polity. science,  Social Science and others subjects like Economy and Environment are also crucial in shaping the exam questions.
  • Preparation Strategies To succeed in this competitive exam, it’s vital to develop a structured study plan based on the MPSC Civil Services Gazetted Combined Prelim Exam syllabus. Manage your time wisely across each subject and make use of study materials, including books, online resources, and practice exams. Joining study groups and taking part in mock tests can further improve your chances of success.

MPSC Preliminary Exam Syllabus, Paper 1: 

General Studies, Current Affairs, national and international events, Economic, social, and political changes, History of India: Ancient, Medieval, and Modern History of India, The Indian National Movement, Maharashtra’s role in the National Movement, Geography:Physical, Economic, and Social Geography of India and the World.Environmental geography, Natural resources, industries, and their economic impact. Indian Polity: The Constitution of India.The political system in India. Governance, transparency, and accountability. Panchayati Raj and local governance. Economic and Social Development: Sustainable Development, Poverty, Inclusion, Demographics, and Social sector initiatives. Government policies and schemes. General Science: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Environmental studies. Advancements in science and technology. Understanding the environment and ecology. General Mental Ability: Logical reasoning and analytical skills. Data interpretation. Basic numeracy and problem-solving.

Paper 2: Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) Comprehension:

Reading comprehension, including passages and their analysis. Interpersonal Skills: Communication, social skills, and behavioral assessments. Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability: Decision-making and problem-solving skills.Verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Basic Numeracy: Mathematical problems, ratios, percentages, and time and work calculations. Data Interpretation: Analyzing graphs, charts, and tables. MPSC Mains Exam Syllabus The MPSC Mains consists of 6 papers, along with the Optional Subject Paper. Paper 1: Marathi and English Marathi: Essay writing, translation from English to Marathi and vice versa. Grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. English: Essay writing, translation from Marathi to English and vice versa. Grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Paper 2: General Studies Paper 1 History of India:Ancient, Medieval, and Modern India. The Indian National Movement and the Freedom Struggle.Geography.